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http://www.100md.com 2012年1月15日 朱清海


     [摘要] 目的:探讨不同压力持续时间对瘢痕增生的治疗效果。方法:选取于本院行住院治疗的深Ⅱ度烧伤后愈合患者93例,随机分为3组:用药组31例、压力组31例、综合组31例,压力组患者待创面愈合后予以弹力绷带进行加压治疗,用药组患者待创面愈合后予以350 U/g肝素钠软膏于创面涂抹治疗,综合组患者待创面愈合后先予以350 U/g肝素钠软膏于创面涂抹,5~10 min后再使用弹力绷带进行加压治疗,全部患者均持续治疗6个月以上,治疗结束后,全部患者均进行为期半年的随访。结果:治疗开始后第3、6个月的时相点综合组患者瘢痕增生评分显著低于用药组和压力组(均P<0.05),第1个月时综合组患者的瘢痕增生评分低于其他两组患者,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),不具有可比性;用药组和压力组之间比较差异亦无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗过程中全部患者均无显著不良反应发生,后期进行的为期6个月的随访中亦未发现有患者出现显著瘢痕增生现象。结论:在对于深Ⅱ度烧伤愈合后患者的瘢痕治疗方面,应将肝素钠软膏与压力疗法相结合,使二者起到强化治疗或互补的作用,同时应尽量延长压力治疗时间,可更为有效地减轻瘢痕增生的程度。

    [关键词] 瘢痕增生;压力治疗;肝素钠软膏;疗效

    [中图分类号] R619+.6 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2012)01(b)-041-02

    Duration of inhibition of different pressures compare the efficacy of scar

    ZHU Qinghai

    Department of Plastic Surgery, People′s Liberation Army No.322 Hospital of Plastic Surgery Center, Shanxi Province, Datong 037006, China

    [Abstract] Objective: To investigate the pressure on the scar of the duration of treatment. Methods: Ninety three cases of patients with deep Ⅱ degree burns, were randomly divided into three groups: the treatment group contained 31 cases, pressure group 31 cases, the comprehensive grop contained 31 cases, the pressure group to be elastic bandages for compression therapy until the wound healing. Medication group were to be wound healing by 350 U/g heparin ointment applied on the wound treatment, comprehensive group of patients use 350 U/g heparin ointment applied on the wound, 5 to 10 minutes later use elastic bandages for compression therapy, all patients continued treatment for more than 6 months, all patients underwent a six-month follow-up after treatment. Results: Treatment after the start of paragraphs 3, 6 months, patients in comprehensive group with scar scores were significantly lower than the treatment group and pressure group (P<0.05), the first month comprehensive group of patients with scar score below the other two groups of patients, but the difference was no statistically significant (P>0.05), not comparable; The observed group and pressure groups no more difference was statistically significant (P>0 ......
